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chalk. His father drilled him in arithmetic and encouraged him in the use of tools. When at length James went to school, he did not at first get along well. This was due to illness which often kept him at
home for weeks at a time. Still, he always did well in arithmetic and geometry, and after the age of four-
teen he made rapid progress in all his studies.
Even as a small boy, James was fond of tinkering with things. This fondness was not always appreciated, as is shown by a remark of an aunt: “James Watt, I never saw such an idle boy; take a book or employ yourself usefully; for the last hour you have not spoken a word, but taken off the lid of that kettle and put it on again, holding now a cup and now a silver spoon over the steam, watching how it rises from the spout, and catching the drops of water it turns into. Are you not ashamed to spend your time in this way?”
Much of his time, as he grew older and stronger, was spent in his father’s shop, where supplies for ships were kept, and where ship repairing was done. He had a small forge and also a workbench of his own. Here he fashioned cranes, pulleys, and pumps, and learned to work with differ-ent metals and woods. So skillful was he that the men remarked, “James has a fortune at his fingers’ ends.”
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The time at last came for choosing a trade. The father had wished James to follow him in his own business. But Mr. Watt had recently lost considerable money, and it now seemed best for the youth to choose a trade in which he could use his mechanical talents. So James set out for Glasgow to become an instrument maker.
There were plenty of instrument makers in London, but they were bound together in a guild. A boy wishing to learn the trade must serve from five to seven years. Watt had no desire to bind himself for so long a period. He wished to learn what he needed to know in the shortest possible time; he wanted a “short cut.” Master workman after master workman for this reason turned him away. Only after many weeks did he find a master who was willing to take him. For a year’s instruction, he paid one hundred dollars and gave the proceeds of his labor. The hours in the London shops were long. “We work,” wrote Watt, “to nine o’clock every night, except Saturdays.” To relieve his father of the burden of supporting him, he got up early and did
extra work. Towards the end of the year he wrote, with no little pride: “I shall be able to get my bread
anywhere, as I am now able to work as well as most journeymen, though I am not so quick as many.”
In order to open a shop of his own, Watt returned to Glasgow. He was opposed in this by the hammer-men’s guild. The hammer-men said that he had not served an apprenticeship and had no right to set up in business. They would have succeeded in keeping him from making a start, had not a friend, a teacher in the University of Glasgow, come to his aid, providing him with a shop in a small room of one of the college buildings.
Watt soon became a Jack-of-all-trades. He cleaned and repaired instruments for the university. Falling into the ways of his first master, he made and sold spectacles and fishing tackle. Though he had no ear for music and scarcely knew one note from another, he turned his hand to making organs. So successful was he, that many “dumb flutes and gouty harps, dislocated violins, and fractured guitars” came to him to be cured of their ills.
All the while, Watt spent his leisure time in reading. The college library was close at hand, so there was no lack of books. Chemistry, mathematics, and mechanics were studied. By learning all he could and by doing everything well, Watt came to be known as a man “who knew much and who could make anything.”
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of water, flooding many of them. Un-less a machine should be invented
which could be run at a small cost, to pump out the water and to hoist the coal or tin, these mines would have to be closed. The need of such a machineled to the invention of the first successful steam engine.
Watt first heard of the steam engine in 1759. The idea captivated him, and he began to read how
others had tried to make successful engines. Finding that the best books on steam and “fire engines,” as they were then called, were in Italian and German, he took up the study of these languages.
In an Italian book he read about Branca’s steam engine, invented in 1629. Branca’s engine was little more than a toy, no use being made of it, except to pulverize saltpeter and do other simple things of like sort.
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Newcomen made his first engine in 1705. Although big and awkward, a number were used in England to pump out the water at the mines. But they could not be used in deep mines, as they could lift only six or seven pounds for each square inch of the piston. They worked slowly, making only about fifteen strokes a minute, and they were expensive also, a single engine burning fifteen thousand dollars’ worth of coal in a year.
understand was for him a subject for study, and he never stopped until he understood. So he set to work to discover why the engine used so much steam.
Steam was used, you will remember, to make a vacuum in the cylinder. Watt found that to drive out the air and water, enough steam had to be let into the cylinder to fill it four times. Why was this? First, the cylinder was exposed to the air, which chilled it. The cold cylinder itself, before it was warm, changed considerable steam into water.
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Second, cold water was poured into the cylinder to condense the steam, and this made the cylinder cold
again. Watt estimated that three fourths of all the steam used was thus wasted in heating and reheating the cylinder. Here was the trouble with Newcomen’s engine. Watt saw that, to remedy this defect, a way must be found to keep the cylinder always as hot as the steam which entered it, and the vacuum must be made in the cylinder, without cooling it.